Force Arena Did a Vader and Luke Based Off of Super Old Concept Art
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" had fans rushing to the theaters at the terminate of 2015 to encounter the dear franchise reignited on the big screen. Director J.J. Abrams switched over from rebooting "Star Expedition" to proceed the story of the Skywalker family and a fallen Empire in a galaxy far, far away. Nosotros expected spaceship battles and galactic politics but generally, we were dying to seewhat happened next.
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Sadly, many fans were disappointed that the film was, at best, a rehash of the originals and didn't exercise much to further the franchise's most interesting stories, like the war between the Jedi and Sith, or much interesting in the way of the Force. That said, CBR decided to analyze 15 reasons this picture show, while a loving homage, was withal the worst in the entire franchise.
SPOILER WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for all "Star Wars" movies

Rey (played past Daisy Ridley) was a scavenger, abandoned as a kid on the desert planet, Jakku, and left waiting for her mysterious family unit to return. She proved to be completely self-sufficient until she met the ex-Stormtrooper, Finn. This began a quest to fight a new Empire (known as the Showtime Club) and find Luke for the Resistance (backed past the Republic and his sister, General Leia Organa).
However, from being a chief mechanic to of a sudden being able to wing the Millennium Falcon to being able to use the Force, everything just seemed to go her way. Many folks criticized this as a Mary Sue gene (meaning she could overcome anything hands) and while this description was perhaps unnecessarily harsh and cavalier, seeing her become toe-to-toe with Luke's lightsaber against Kylo was a bit of a stretch. The fact she concluded up chirapsia him (even though he was injured) made things hard to believe in some peoples' eyes. Characters like Luke and Anakin spent years trying to primary the Forcefulness, whereas information technology seemed Rey was using a Force app for everything. She even used the Jedi mind-trick to escape Kylo's clutches! Nosotros are hoping, all the same, that this volition all be explained in "The Last Jedi."

We never really got to understand Kylo's motivations for turning his back on his family, betraying Luke, his Jedi primary, and as well eliminating the new Jedi society with his Knights of Ren. Abrams and visitor probably left this to exist expanded on in time to come movies, only context was needed to inform just why he was such a whiny, emo deviling. His constant frustration at Rey fabricated him underwhelming and a far cry from intimidating villains of onetime such as Darth Maul, Moff Tarkin, Count Dooku, Darth Vader and the Emperor. We appreciate that his more emotionally-driven grapheme was the point, just it rung surprisingly hollow.
The scene where he melts down in the command room, using his Sith powers and lightsaber to destroy everything, felt like a child who lost his toy, and Snoke (his new master) constantly checking in on his emotions actually took abroad from how scary he could have been. Every bit a contrast, Vader in that final "Rogue I" scene felt much more gruesome than what Kylo offered in this entire movie.

This film exists in a time where CGI and audio effects are in their prime, as seen with the new "Planet of the Apes" franchise, the "Transformers" movies and of course, the plethora of comic book movies out there. However, for some reason, it didn't feel innovative and like the "Star Wars" properties really moved into the hereafter. Sure, we loved Abrams' use of applied effects, merely the overall visual aesthetic nonetheless felt like nosotros were back in the "Revenge of the Sith" days.
The lack of things like new ships, for example, was particularly frustrating, considering we really would have loved to see some new fighters that could have rivaled the Millennium Falcon or a new breed of X-Wing, perhaps, rather than dusting off the old models. At that place should accept been new Stormtroopers akin to the Deathtroopers of "Rogue One," and fifty-fifty cooler robots than BB-8 (who simply seemed there for the beautiful factor and to sell toys). The design, look and feel of the movie didn't feel like a g spectacle at all, and "The Strength Awakens" didn't come off like an updated or contemporary piece of art.

This picture tried also difficult to shroud everything in secrecy. From the mystery of Snoke's identity, Kylo's fascination with Vader and the Nighttime Side, Luke going missing afterwards Kylo turned on him with the Knights of Ren, and lastly, Rey'southward heritage and marooning on Jakku, everything all came off every bit forced (no pun intended). We're hoping "The Concluding Jedi" addresses all these issues come Christmas, but the older movies never crammed such big revelations downwardly our throats or tried to go along the states guessing. Everything just felt more organic; although, admittedly, the originals did accept the stupor of the new on their side.
Luke and Vader's big fatherly chat in "The Empire Strikes Back" and Leia being Luke's sister were well-kept and smartly executed in a franchise that didn't succeed or fail necessarily on big jaw-dropping moments, just more on a rollicking and fun plot. Having too many mysteries doesn't always let fans to enjoy the space saga as a truthful take a chance; certain, information technology helps, only the enjoyment of a film or its ascension to cultural phenomenon shouldn't exist contingent simply on hidden revelations and throwing in a semblance of a plot to connect them.

John Williams won an Academy Honour for the original "Star Wars" moving-picture show, and with its two sequels, he received further nominations. He returned to "The Forcefulness Awakens" (also nominated for an Oscar) and tried to inspire the same magic from the originals. In composing this score, he stuck to what was already there for Luke, Leia and Han, to maintain the nature of these characters from the old days, and information technology was nostalgic equally he constructed their musical stories as big parts of the fabric of this universe.
Still, when information technology came to the new characters, he connected the same set of ideas, and treated Rey, Kylo and Poe without any impetus. He didn't seem to grasp it was a standing story, and the symphonic vibe he tried to shape just couldn't place melodically for a new saga. The orchestral beats felt mode besides familiar with the older heads, and in this case, just lacked whatsoever resonation with the new faces of the franchise. As for the battle scenes, especially the climax, information technology wasn't anything inspiring and Williams felt surprisingly bland without any recognizable signature.
10 Decease STAR REMIX

"Star Wars" was about enslaving the galaxy through the Empire's politics and corruption, with the planet-destroying weapon, the Expiry Star, at the middle of things. When "The Forcefulness Awakens" revealed that information technology would be using a like weapon, but this time in the form and size of a planet (Starkiller base) instead of equally a moving satellite, there was an air of unoriginality. They basically grounded the Death Star on the Starkiller Base, harnessing energy from the stars and firing at targets.
You'd think by now the Empire (or Empire-like entities) would know not to place all their hopes on one major weapon, especially as the Resistance usually attacks head-on and destroys it. How well-nigh improving your fleets? Having multiple WMDs? Or even extending your political reach like nosotros saw on "The Phantom Menace?" Brains over brawn and creature strength seems to work as opposed to terrorist weaponry and come "The Last Jedi," nosotros're hoping for something other than a major light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

In the old films, there were inappreciably filler characters, but here so many felt unnecessary. Lando Calrissian is an instance of the original movies having someone introduced to really push the heroes upward a notch, while Dooku in the prequels helped evolve Anakin into a true Sith contender. They all had a purpose but here, Finn (John Boyega), while incredibly fun, came off equally someone who could be taken out the story and whose omission wouldn't boring the plot downwardly.
Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron also felt peripheral and was chucked in simply to help bring in the cavalry at the finish. He lacked the importance of, say, a Han Solo or an Obi-Wan Kenobi, who all became office of the family unit and shaped the heroes' destiny. This airplane pilot was purely a deus ex machina. Lor San Tekka, who gave him info on finding Luke, was besides barely explained. He felt super complimentary in the grand scheme of things and just chucked in to kickstart the search for Luke.

The infinite battles were shockingly weak also, and something could take been washed as per what "Rogue 1" memorably produced years later. The escapades of the Falcon on Jakku when Rey piloted it were cool, but we would have loved to see Han using it to take on or outrun the Beginning Order and their battleships. "The Phantom Menace" and the get-go pic in 1977 gave us some of the most crawly infinite fights in the history of cinema, and here, it felt like a missed opportunity.
The climax did see the Resistance assault the Starkiller Base of operations, just there wasn't whatever moment that kept fans in awe and disbelief. This was a run-of-the-mill showdown that felt very by-the-numbers. That was the ane advantage of using the Death Star -- we got epic battles in the depths of infinite. Even so, "Rogue One" took the fight inside the planet and it was crawly, so there's no reason why Abrams couldn't accept washed the same or amend here.

When it came to the former Empire, there was always a sense of dread looming overhead. It felt decisive and threatening, ruling with an Regal fist. Emperor Palpatine, while working from the shadows, had everyone cowering at Darth Vader's feet. But here, that same scare cistron wasn't replicated with Snoke and Kylo. This besides trickled down to General Hux, who felt more like a lackey than an apt replacement for someone like Chiliad Moff Tarkin.
The First Lodge never felt like a true army rebuilding, only instead similar an incompetent bunch with an itchy trigger-finger at the Starkiller Base. To pinnacle it off, nosotros got fifty-fifty more than bumbling Stormtroopers (once again, a far cry from the Deathtroopers we saw in "Rogue Ane"), and most disappointingly, Helm Phasma, who brought a ton of hype with her. It was a shame she was reduced to beingness sent down the garbage chute past Finn. Abrams had a adventure to position the Start Order as a true powerhouse instead of this inept system of poor copies.
half-dozen THE NEW Republic FELT WEAK

Afterward catastrophe the reign of the Empire, one would think that the New Republic that rose from its ashes would be a bit more grand and administrative. The fact that it had to rely on the Resistance, a splinter faction of its army, says otherwise. With and then much fourth dimension passing since "ROTJ," information technology's shocking that they haven't grown and evolved into something equally as formidable every bit what the Empire was, so as to be better perched to stave off any potential Imperial resurgence.
All we got with regards to a New Republic was just a slightly larger and more than sanctioned Resistance army, notwithstanding tucked away. Being stuck in this mode showed fiddling evolution, which is surprising because it appeared that the First Society's rebirth still managed to be bigger in scope than this heroic bunch. After being in the trenches for so long, Full general Leia and Han could take overseen a stronger line of defense, which fans idea would have been the case after past incidents like the boxing on Endor, and the toppling of two Death Stars.

A lot of this film dragged out and actually concluded upwards beingness highly anticipated. It was all a quest to ascertain the whereabouts of Luke, which didn't even apply the erstwhile cast well (bar Han Solo). Leia, C-3PO and R2-D2 were relegated to beingness peripheral, and a lot of what was transpiring felt similar middling material that y'all wanted out of the way to find out why Luke ran away. No "Star Wars" movie has e'er had that issue -- you ever wanted to savour the ride.
Abrams was all about the destination and not the journey. Maz Kanata'south base, the Finn and Poe dynamic, and keeping Rey's background in the dark all the time but felt similar the pic was asking you to bear with information technology until the sequel where more could be explained. Had this movie shed more calorie-free on Rey, or Kylo'south villainous turn, it would take been a more than robust and fitting entry. Besides, leaving out Luke for so long really diminished the plot, as it ended up being a treasure hunt with space villains chasing as opposed to something more than cerebral like the past films.

The theme of family is the foundational magic that this franchise is congenital upon and Abrams totally lost that in the translation. The Skywalker legacy was shot to pieces as he hid Luke away and barely used Leia in an attempt to redeem Kylo. The Solo legacy itself felt like a plot tool and a MacGuffin to forcefulness united states to view Kylo in a dark light. Even with the new crew, there wasn't that sense of togetherness with everyone -- Poe and Finn included -- as when the old movies had everyone on the Falcon with Han and Chewie.
Family's the heart and soul of these films and making Kylo literally destroy its concept felt like a slap in the face of the old movies, which used the love of family unit to heal the galaxy. Abrams tried to revive that with Han only quickly threw that thought in the bin when he confronted Kylo. This motion picture ended up feeling like strangers only doing things to observe Luke, who they promise will prepare the galaxy, as opposed to people coming together and working every bit one. Having Luke abandon transport said it all.

This was a finale that left a lot to exist desired. From a played-out infinite attack on the Empire's weapon of mass destruction, to R2-D2 being used as a GPS for Luke, to Rey and Leia sharing a connection that would go unexplained, it was all filled with fluff. It'southward not often this franchise comes off as style over substance (well, except perhaps the prequels), just hither, that's what happened. Also, why would Rey go alone to meet Luke? Isn't she the new *ahem* hope?
All of this we had to power through, only for 1 shot of Luke being a reclusive hermit. She was offer him his lightsaber and sadly, nosotros got not even a single give-and-take. It was insulting and felt similar a cop out. Your finale should inform and human activity equally a suffix to what came before, book-ending and wrapping similar a novel, but instead the final x minutes here felt like an extended trailer for a sequel. It told us to stay tuned for Luke every bit the new Yoda and Kylo as the new Vader, cipher more.

Leia sent her estranged husband to bring their son back as his betrayal tore the family unit apart. However, Kylo was having none of information technology. The distressing thing is that when they confronted each other, the dialogue was poor and by then, Kylo failed to connect as a Judas. This, coupled with Han'south death being telegraphed from a mile abroad, saw Kylo conduct what should take been a very important turn and decease, which didn't resonate at all.
At that place was no emotional connection, so we didn't feel hurt as when Maul killed Qui-Gonn or when Obi-Wan sliced and diced Anakin. Fifty-fifty the Vader reveal as Anakin managed to echo in our geeky souls. The expiry of Han Solo, though, felt similar when nosotros saw Vader impale Obi-Wan. It'south only later on that we understood who Obi-Wan really was, so we missed him, but when Vader struck him downward, he hadn't been developed much as a graphic symbol. That aforementioned thinking is what made Han'south decease come off inexpensive and for shock value. Kylo didn't strike the right chords with us to care adjoin his actions, unless information technology was facing Luke.

"The Force Awakens" felt like a "New Promise" rip-off. Abrams lacked ideas and inventiveness in a plot that was severely unoriginal. And then many iconic beats were rehashed from the original moving picture. A planet-junker gets roped into an unwitting boxing against the Empire with random folks, including a debonair pilot, thrown into the mix. She just then happens to exist a mystical Force wielder who may take familial ties to the Skywalkers and their Jedi legacy, while protecting a robot that'southward being hunted.
The villains take a planet-destroyer and now, the Resistance must set on them proactively, with an infiltration unit sent in kickoff. Yeah, that'southward pretty much exactly what happened when George Lucas first brought this to life in the '70s. At least Abrams showed a unique and fresh spin on his "Star Trek" reboot, only here, it was as much a honey letter of the alphabet to Lucas' original movie, equally "Superman Returns" from Bryan Singer was to the Richard Donner era. We don't listen the new paths forwards being nostalgic with throwbacks, just nosotros don't want homages overdone or carbon copies.
Let united states of america know in the comments if you felt "The Force Awakens" barbarous manner short of the mark!
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